Friday, 10 June 2011

The Dismissal of CSIC's Stay Application: What Now?

The Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC)'s motion for a stay, asking the judge to stop the Minister from publishing in Part II of the Canada Gazette the change in regulator, was dismissed.  The judge ruled that because the final decision has not yet been made by the Minister as to whether or not the change in regulator will be made, CSIC had not met the test to be granted a stay.   

No doubt, the ICCRC and their supporters will have you believe that the decision means that soon they will become the regulator.  Of course, legal and political processes are not so simple and straightforward, even if, like Phil Mooney, you appear to have influence peddled your way into a position of power.  The Federal Court will now have to consider CSIC's application for leave and judicial review.  The Minister may decide to proceed with the regulatory changes, but then presumably CSIC would have grounds to apply again for a stay.  The judge's decision in this case was based on the fact that no final decision had yet been made; thus CSIC would have had a much stronger case if a final decision was made. What will be the final outcome of this decision? No one knows, not even Phil Mooney or the Minister!

Why is ICCRC busy spending the money from CIC (taxpayers money) on town hall meetings with members and Phil Mooney's office space, rather than waiting to spend the money on actually regulating their members?  Why does no one actually look at ICCRC, their leaders, their structure and call out "The Emperor Has No Clothes"... ICCRC is promoting their personal self-interest in power, protecting their friends from regulatory accountability, and ensuring their friends get the large paychecks through Directors' positions.  Phil Mooney cronyism appears to be the future of immigration consultants.  That is, until a new Minister looks at their conduct and ends self-regulation of immigration consultants.

The future of immigration consultants is to become like the Paralegals, controlled by the lawyers through the Law Society of Upper Canada.  Or government regulation....probably as enjoyable as a Canada Revenue Agency audit!

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